
Ladies and Gentleguys, thanks to you my life long (well, months long) dream has come true. It took a lot of pageloads and late night posting, but we've achieved what millions spend sleepless nights agonizing over. Hollywood Flakes is Googleable. Honest. Just type in Hollywood Flakes in Google's search engine and there it is. At the very top of their recommendations. We're stinkin' celebrities!

Supposedly Google has some top secret formula they use to calculate what they return on your search results. It's no secret anymore - I've busted it wide open. It turns out all you need to get your website to show up is a cute kid, doting mother who tells all her friends about your blog and people bored enough to visit your site every week. That and fabulously good looks. Lucky me! I feel like I should get a certificate or shiny trophy or something. Should I send Google a thank you note? A fruit cake? Tokens must be exchanged!

I have a feeling that we're not going to get any official kind of recognition about our new status from the web powers-that-be so I've taken the liberty of designing my own little memento dedicated to Team Flake - all you tireless web-surfers who made today possible. The first 10 people who email me their mailing address and most flakey characteristic will get one of these magnets I designed in honor of this big day. I also put some of the new Team Flake gear in my store. Give yourselves a hand! (Or don't if you are like most people and think I'm just a crazed glory hound looking for recognition in all the wrong places. Because I am.)

I honestly can't quite explain why this is such a big deal to me, but I've been checking Google periodically to see if we show up but haven't found a thing since we started the blog in November. After I discovered our fame this morning I spent the rest of the day grinning foolishly and doing little white girl jigs in the kitchen. So whatever it means, it's a good thing.

Thank you one and all for making today happen. I'll spare you the Oscar speech, but want to let you know that I have one prepared. Go Team!


Sarah said…
Only one taker on the magnets? Come on guys - free stuff! I'll leave a comment on this post when all 10 have been claimed. Until then there are nine left :)
Elizabeth said…
Sounds like the Googlebot finally found you.

Google's robots jump from page to page on the web via hyperlinks, so the more sites that link to your pages, the more likely it is that we'll find them quickly.

Which probably means you've got a good number of people linking to you! Have you checked Technorati to see who they might be?
Sarah said…
Thanks, Elizabeth! Cool site - I checked it out but it turns out that all of my links are from my other blogs and my one friend who I've paid to like me. Oh well. There was a brief moment when I felt famous.

You always have the most useful/interesting comments! Thanks :)
Unknown said…
Ooo! Magnet! Free stuff! Does this post count as an email?

BTW, I love your posts about the bootylicious dancer and shopping cart vindication. Brilliant, as always!
Unknown said…
So remind me again what the secret of Google Greatness is? Just getting others to link to your site? I shamefully admit it's one of my lifelong dreams to have the Milbergers immortalized via Google. One day I'll reach your level and get magnets too! Ooo...dreaming of Milberger t-shirts... An empire!

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