O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

My year long dream has been realized! My posts have CATEGORIES! Check out the sidebar on the left. I've spent the last few days trying out other blog services like Wordpress that offer this option but in the end found that blogger had to most accessible template options for customizing html so I stuck it out and just used the deli.icio.us service.

It's all tagged, categorized, and ready for perusing pleasure! I haven't gotten an invitation from Blogger yet to upgrade to Beta (Beta offers labels) but now that I've done the categories myself I don't have to bother.

The best part about the categories is that there will be no more searching for Spike's elusive posts - all NINE of them are neatly tagged and ready for showtime.

Any blogger user interested in doing the same for their website should visit this page for semi-simple instructions on how to do it. Good luck and happy browsing!


Anonymous said…
i don't see a tag for adam. can you make one that just says "adam" so i can read his witicisms without getting bogged down in your, shall we say, somewhat more obtuse prose? i just can't get enough of that adam. adam adam.

posted by adam.
Sarah said…
You're a nitwit. A blind nitwit.

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