
Spike is going to be gone all next week doing lawyer stuff in Georgia. My kid is going to be gone visiting her grandparents in Utah. I'm going to be sitting on my ever-enlarging rear watching re-runs of Everybody Loves Raymond till 2 am and grumbling unless someone comes to save me from my self pity.

I found this great website that helps create your very own personal ad. Based on their template, I came up with this:

WF, 26, seeks F, 18-35, for short-term platonic companionship. This short, blond, near-sighted apartment manager likes going to museums, hiking and relaxing at the beach. She is game for almost anything except for marathon shopping expeditions. Makes to-die-for chocolate lava cakes on demand and loves spontaneous adventures. Seeking companionship from 10/8/06 to 10/20/06 with someone who is potty-trained and willing to sleep on an air mattress.

Any takers? Seriously, I need some company next week.


kelsey said…
Oooo, you make lava cakes on demand. I wonder if I could find a cheap ticket to LA on short notice and leave Bill in his own SOS situation.
dalene said…
I dunno. I kind of have a thing for Everybody Loves Raymond reruns. You get them till 2am?

I'm jealous.
Torchness said…
You could go to Dallas-- we may very well be having our two days of fall during that interval, who would want to miss that?!?
Samantha said…
I would totally be down, if I was in the same country/state as you. I think we'd get along. Maybe one day we'll cross paths in person again!
Are B-list movie stars involved?

If so, I'm there.
Kristine said…
It sounds like so much fun...

Good luck finding enjoyable companionship...and enjoy the time alone too. It can be fun!
Suzie Petunia said…
This would be a great opportunity to meet you and get some free lava cake! My husband was out of town all last week and I was feeling the same - needed some company. I only WISH my kids had been out of town, too! Enjoy your time alone! Go to a movie, take a friend out to lunch, buy cute office supplies at Target for no good reason. Go crazy.
Torchness said…
To answer your question: Cingular/AT&T/SBC/ whatever the heck they're going by now.
Torchness said…
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Anonymous said…
Sarah, you can come to Yakima if you want. We'll entertain you and consume your lava cakes. I know it would be nicer if the party came to you, but hey, we know how to show an individual a good time.
Sarah said…
Thanks, Cannon! But sadly, you work, I work, it doesn't look like either of us is going anywhere.

Thanks for the outpouring of sympathy you guys! Adam left this morning and I'm actually managing to get into a lot of fun trouble by my lonesome so it might be a good week after all!

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