Road Rage
There was a blue Suburban coming in the opposite direction. I waited for it to pass so I could turn. I waited. I waited. The Suburban was barely moving. I could have gone into the parking lot five times by now. Finally it was about to pass but at the last second, it turned into the parking lot. I threw up my hands and gave the woman driver a scowl.
All the spaces in the lot were full but one car was preparing to leave. Even though the Suburban had come in the lot first, I felt this was rightly my spot. Knowing I was committing a cardinal sin, I whipped into the space and left the Suburban to wait for another opening. She wasn't happy.
Ten minutes later I found myself sitting cross-legged next to this very woman in, "Circle Time" and having to point to her while singing, "You Are Special." I was too mortified to say anything about my parking lot rudeness. Hateful Justice has been served.
I love stories like this. It reminds me I am not alone.
(Fried Green Tomatoes anyone?)