Anderson Cooper, Planet in Peril

My city is in flames. Fires rage, unimpeded across the landscape fueled by 60 mile per hour winds and arsonists. One million people have left their homes, possibly never to return. We are undergoing the largest mass evacuation in this nation's history. I've sealed myself in my apartment with my children to avoid breathing in the dangerous ash clouds that envelop Southern California.

And frickin Anderson Cooper is hosting an all-night special tonight on CNN called Planet in Peril showcasing the various species suffering from humans encroaching on their habitats. Thank you, Anderson, for bringing us the suffering of tree frogs to help us understand how much worse off we could be.


Catherine M. said…
Hey, that's funny!
JLJ said…
So sorry about the terrible fires. It's almost unbelievable how much devastation there is. Hang in there. 4 years ago during the last fires, I went to my first NFL game because the Chargers had been displaced to the Sun Devils stadium in Phoenix. The tickets were free.
Melissa said…
We were in San Bernardino on Monday and watched the ash fall from the sky like snow. We've gotten a few evacuees here in the valley... hopefully they will be able to contain the fires soon.
Jenny P. said…
yeah. thanks anderson. so hope your home isn't in danger. I know of others that have evacuated and are just hoping that their homes stay untouched. what a terrible thing to deal with.
Shiloh said…
Hope you are okay Sarah. But as long as you are, I hope that while you are holed up in your home trying not to breathe ash and smoke, that you will watch the special on Plant in Peril-- I think you now will *really* understand how hard life is for the tree frog-- they don't have stadiums and red cross stations to evacuate to at all!
flip flop mama said…
Hope you stay safe Sarah! We are on house lock-down too due to the San Diego fires--and hopeing we don't have to evacuate. I've never seen it this bad before.
S'mee said…
Santa Anas stopped and so now the wind has turned. Fire is beginning to crawl down into our little valley, but so far all are well.

We got a call during Presidency Meeting this a.m. telling us we (all certified Red Cross volunteers) are on call, as we are receiving 100+ folks who have been displaced. We took 70+ activity kits over this afternoon, and blankets as well.

Take care Sarah. Take care Jamie. And to all who are experiencing this arson induced craziness, all my thoughts and prayers.
Anonymous said…
Not like tree frogs would actually go to stadiums or red cross stations, even if they had them.
Unknown said…
Stay safe!
Suzie Petunia said…
I'm thinking about all of you a lot. I hope you are all kept safe and able to help where you can. If only tree frogs could be Red Cross certified volunteers... then that would be a documentary I could really get behind!
S'mee said…
on an aside, what's with this guys puckered up lips? He looks like he's saying, "Come sit with me on the blacktop, baby, let me tell you about global warming!"

Anonymous said…
Your focus on fires rather than planet in peril tends to ignore the real issue: how stupid cnn's purportedly scientific enviro-scare tv programs are.

Next month you can watch California Fires of 2007: Global Warming Strikes Again
Melissa said…
I am so sorry to hear about the fires. We lost our house in a fire many years ago. I can't imagine whole communities experiencing that at the same time. As for CNN, the company sent out huge glossy advertisements in USA Today for Cooper's show, and they probably killed more trees doing it than the fire.

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