2007 Weblog Awards: Calling all Hollywood Flakes Readers!

The 2007 Weblog Awards

I just got a note from a reader (thanks, Lug!) letting me know some kind soul nominated me as "The Best Parenting Blog" for the 2007 Weblog Awards. There are nine other finalists. Here are the entries:

Antique Mommy
Notes from the Trenches
Bub and Pie
Hollywood Flakes
Dad Gone Mad
"I think this world is perfect..."
Postcards from the Mothership

If you think I deserve a shot at the gold, go ahead and vote for me. If you like one of these other ones better, give them your vote then never show your face around here again.

You can vote for me once every 24 hours per computer up until November 8th. I'm a little behind on the game since I just found out about this so I'm going to debase myself here and BEG you to vote multiple times for the site. Consider it my early Christmas present.

Seriously though folks, like I say at the top of the blog, the faster I make my millions, the better off you will all be. Vote Here. So far I'm in total last place with only two votes. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be... OR MAYBE THIS IS THE BEST PARENTING BLOG EVER! Your vote will tell all.

Also, my friend Amy Lawson's blog, The Lawsons Do Dallas, is up for "Funniest Blog." If you know her and love her like I do, give her your vote too!


Lug Nutmegger said…
A vote for Sarah is a vote for America!

TheOneTrueSue said…
Cool! If you win, what do you win?
Anonymous said…
Yo he echado me vota. Ahora, que reciebo? Gracias.
Sarah said…
Gracias, Senior. You tengo un burro que ama comer. Lo Quieres?
Lindsay said…
You have my vote!
Bea said…
Alas for you, I think I have usurped your position in last place! Bwahahahahaha!

Thanks for putting together that link list - I'm going to click around myself now and check out the other nominees.
Kerri said…
I voted for you! Does that fulfill my civic duty for the year?
Suzie Petunia said…
You're in second - not last! As my husband likes to say: "You're the first loser!"
Amy said…
Thanks for the shout-out...vote for me, too people!!!!

I voted for ya, and I'll give you a plug today, too!

Let's win this thing, Sarah! We can go to the awards show in Vegas and get drunk off of each other's love. Doesn't that sound awesome?
Jill said…
I just voted for you!! Go, fight, win!!
PS What would you win??
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