Going Dark

No, it's not just you. The site underwent a surgery of sorts today. My family members' names are now Hollywood (me), Spike (the husband), Pixie (the two year old) and Cher (our infant diva). And if you asked me what town I live in I'd respond casually, "oh, somewhere in Southern California." But if you asked me what my favorite number was, I'd wouldn't be able to resist and would tell you "fourteen."

The site is anonymous. It had to happen eventually. Of course, it may be too late in the game to try and pull a stunt like this, but after reading a very convincing article and some chilling comments over at Segullah, I decided it was time to make the change. I've still got quite a bit of cleaning up to do around the internet which may take a few weeks, but hopefully in that time, I won't have to worry about creepy things happening to my pretty daughters or their photos. Also, please don't be offended when comments revealing our super-secret-identities are deleted. Just practice with me, "Hollywood, Spike, Pixie and Cher." Man, those sound dumb. But what's else can a gal do in this sick world? And honestly, I've always wanted to have a guy named Spike have the hots for me.

Oh, and if any of you have me blogrolled/linked under my accursed Christian name, please update it to just "Hollywood Flakes" or "Paranoid Mormon" or something like that. Thanks everyone!


Lizzy said…
smart move hollywood!
there are some sick creepy's out there!
Johnna said…
Hey, I like Spike. It suits him.
LunaMoonbeam said…
Great...well, now what?
S'mee said…
completely understand. hugs kid.
Jenny said…
Ah, the transition to anonimity...just out of curiosity, how do you delete an unwanted comment anyway?
TheOneTrueSue said…
I did the same thing yesterday. I'm not satisfied with the name I gave my son, but no way in heck am I going back through the old posts again.
Reluctant Nomad said…
OH man. I need to do it too but don't want to. Thanks for the inspiration.
Amy said…
I saw that Sue did this yesterday, too.
We really got ourselves in deep here, huh?
I'm just grateful to be moving soon, that will help my efforts immensely.
Nancy Ross said…
Like Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Anyway, a good idea.
Sarah said…
You caught me, Nancy. I used to be a HUGE Buffy fan. But an even bigger fan of Spike, of course!
Bek said…
I keep thinking that I should do this because everyone else is...but I haven't caught the bug yet... I guess it is time.... hmmmm

I saw that Seagullah phost (wasn't it by Johnna? Hi Johnna)...

Hmmm.. I use code names half the time, but the other half...hmmm.

Does this mean no pictures of the kids ever? The whole point of my blog is to keep the far away family up to date... not sure if I want to password protect...hm
Sarah said…
Although it's ill advised, I'm still going to occasionally post pictures of the family. Like you, Bek, I have NO family close and so the blog is a really important resource for them to keep up on my family goings on. But I'm just going to make it harder for the sickos to actually pinpoint my location and identity.
Anonymous said…
Hollywood, you are my hero ;)
Unknown said…
I agree, you're my hero(ine). And I love Buffy/Spike too!
Erin said…
You inspired me, too. I just made my blog private since I hardly have readers beyond family anyway.
Kerri said…
Thanks Hollywood! That article is pretty scary. I definitely need to be better at hiding the details of my life. I definitely don't have anything close to your readership, but you just never really know who is out there. So, are you going to teach that class on blogging? You are totally an expert, and I would love to learn more!
Sarah said…
Jenny - sorry for the late reply but to delete a comment just hit the little icon below the comment that looks like a trash can then select "remove forever." It totally disapears.

Kerri, I haven't sent in the syllabus for that class yet. I go back and forth feeling like I have nothing to say on the subject to feeling like I have everything to say. I'd say there's a 65% chance I'll actually do it in January. It's quite a bit of work to get all the material organized. But then again, once I have it set up, it would be really easy to do every quarter for some easy cash.
Anonymous said…
What scary article? I didn't see anything scary. What?
Heffalump said…
I am so unoriginal that my kids are #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5...I am sure its confusing to people, but it helps me keep them all in line.
Anonymous said…
THAT was Segullah? I have heard so much about that blog by interesting intellectual Mormon women, and I thought that article was quite disappointing in that it was very poorly written. If it was supposed to go scaring people into privacy, it really didn't do much until the last line about the challenge to find you on google earth. It just kind of wandered around a few points without being very clear. Maybe I'll give them another try if I'm ever really bored.
Sarah said…
In Segullah's defense, that article I linked to wasn't one of their published articles from their journal, simply one of their blog posts (which, lets admit, shouldn't be judged quite the same way as finely tuned essays for publication since posts are usually more spontaneous. But since your comment was anonymous, I assume you understand the value of internet privacy regardless of the quality of the post.
Anonymous said…
Eyow! Oooch! That was a British-style, witty, sharply pointed BARB at that poor anonymous poster. Never have I seen you so testy, m'dear. Are you as tee'd off as you sound? I actually agree with Anon in that I didn't find the post as scary as I thought it would be since you linked to it as a 'scary article.' Take it easy on Anon. Those views were honest and I agree in part, with the exception of slighting dear Seagullah for any reason whatsoever. I thought maybe there was a different article I was missing. By the way, if you Google my house it takes you to a different house as the numbered address fine tuning isn't up to snuff.

I once heard an impassioned speech in church about keeping our families off the internet. I simply disagree. There are, of course, precautions to take so you don't invite trouble, but honestly, I find the concept of family blogging so wonderful. I should; I practically invented it.
Sarah said…
I certainly didn't mean to come off as harsh and am sorry if I did. But I wanted to let the poster know that the publication of Segullah is quite a different thing than the blog Segullah and not to judge the journal based on one of their many blog posts. The comments about the scariness of the article are obviously, subjective. Maybe I'm still in an easily scared mood from the Halloween season. Group hug?
TheOneTrueSue said…
Let's see, if everyone else is scared into going private then they will all have to come read MY BLOG and I will have the most traffic in the WORLD and I will totally be the BLOG OVERLORD! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha

My evil plan is totally working.

And possibly I need to ease up on the Dayquil.
Anonymous said…
I thought Adum was a pretty well disguised pseudonym.

Anonymous said…
I've never heard of the journal, just the blog, and everyone has given it top marks. That was the first blog post I have read of theirs, so forgive me if I was a little disappointed. I didn't know that you were such a devoted fan, but since you defended them so nicely, maybe I really will give them a try. And yes, I post anonymously so that my internet privacy will remain intact.
Anonymous said…
So Cher's new name is because of her trademark hair and voice, right?
Sarah said…
Cher was just the closest thing to her real nickname I could think of (and the fact that it fits in with the Hollywood theme doesn't hurt!) But yes, I do hope someday she can live up to her namesake and be a amazon, Italian diva. What mother wouldn't? "Pixie" is named after my little sister's cat. Kind of dumb.
I just did this to my blog. No names anywhere anymore. It makes me feel a little better.:)

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