I'll Love You If
You laugh at my jokes
You say I remind you of a famous movie star
You fit into the cup holder of my car
I can turn down your volume
You make me look skinny
You are odorless
You ask me for help when you need it
You help me even when I don't ask
You can teach me Chinese swear words
You are scratch-proof
You contain chocolate
You get me out of the house
You send me a Christmas card
You can go zero to sixty in four seconds
You've got a good bass line
You keep my feet warm
But if you love me, I'll probably love you anyways. Even if you do stink.
I will love you if you don't pee on my freshly made bed, all my feather pillows and my couch five minutes after I finish doing the laundry at the coin-op. Grrr Pixie!!
As far as the advice page, who am I kidding? I've got none. Anyone have any for me?
Also, if any one needs me, I'm having my tubes tied. Again. Some more.
And anon, rude? I'm kind of blind to rude. Lucky for me I guess!
He would recycle and then just laugh his head off. It was like a really bad bottle of shampoo.
Recycle. Laugh. Repeat. like 4 times until his parental units gave up and went home.
All this while Mogli said "GROOOOOOSS!". Being the gramma has it's advantages.