Memoirs of a Pacifier

Just remember, no matter how bad your life seems, there's always someone worse off. It's starting to make sense to me why those darn pacifiers always go missing...

And yes, this post is partially in response to an anonymous commenter's request to see more pictures of my "odd-looking" children. I'm still scratching my head at that one.


Anonymous said…
Awesome! That really does shed a whole new light on the issue, doesn't it? (I don't see where the 'odd looking' comes in. Nothin' but cute!)
That made me laugh so hard. It's a powerful home video that can make you feel sorry for an inanimate object.
Anonymous said…
Yes your baby's head was a little on the large size, but most babies have huge noggins. You have cute kids and what I've seen from videos, they have awesome personalities!
Anonymous said…
I moved the crib today to paint the baby's room. And I found 3 of the 4 missing pacifiers. I did a happy dance.
The Mom said…
I started the video and my 6 year old said, "Oh, I love that baby." He was disappointed that the video was so short. He loved the video where she was laughing.
S'mee said…
From a pacifier's point of view...this sucked...but in a GOOD way! lol

Hollywood, you kill me!
Anonymous said…
Very cute sweetie. I love your video / audio mixes...
TheOneTrueSue said…
Your children are adorable. Anonymous, cowardly internet meanies are lame. The end.
Anonymous said…
I'm not the one who said the kids were odd-looking, but if you're going to post videos like that...

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