Angels from Heaven


tkf489 said…
That video is CLASSIC. She is Spike's daughter.
Abby said…
LOL, sister. She looks like me with morning sickness.
Kerri said…
That was so funny, Hollywood! I love the slow-motion spit. I need to follow your example and smile more at the dinner table when stuff like that happens!
Erin said…
Oh my word. She is going to have the best collection of movies when she grows up.
jjstringham said…
Mmmm. Yummy. Oh, and "Phhhlebbbbtttttt" to you too.
Anonymous said…
It reminds me of a Monty Python movie, I'm glad she didn't blow up at the end. Keep her away from the thin mints!!
TheOneTrueSue said…
Oh my gosh, that made me laugh SO SO hard. I spit out my sherbert. Thanks for the giggles. Ha!
Emma said…
I have one of those angels at my house. I walk away in situations like that. He usually stops when I come back with the food. But your angel is the best spitter ever!
Anonymous said…
we watched some of the other videos, and charlotte was BY FAR the cutest. my kids loved it so much that we played it about 10 times, and then they asked how we could find penny's video about how she has to have 100 stuffed animals at naptime. so thanks for keeping the cousins in touch.
Amy said…
An excellent film. Nicely done.
Anonymous said…
Colleen said…
Loved it! The slo-mo was the best.
kashurst said…
I almost just choked on my crackers! I give this film fifty gold stars!
Anonymous said…
Crying. I am crying. Jake is nearly wetting himself. I hope you are happy!
Sarah said…
I had some serious fun making this one. The sad truth of the matter is that usually all that spit ends up on my face and clothing and I walk around covered with a fine mist of squash/peas/applesauce all day. It does help a little not to wear black.

She's been spitting like this for 3 months now. I have no idea how to make her stop. I thought that by starting her on lumpy foods the spitting would slow, but instead I'm just getting chunks of stuff in my hair. Ew ew ew.
Nancy Sabina said…
My now-20-month-old went through this phase about a year ago (I know because I just took the curtains down and washed the yams off that he spit on them last Thanksgiving which made me explode semi-violenty at him in front of my in-laws, causing much embarassament). Anyway - she'll get over it eventually. Good luck until then.
But it makes for good entertainment until then - at least for us!
Anonymous said…
I am NEVER having kids
Karen said…
Aren't kids the greatest for entertainment? I loved it! (Mostly because I wasn't in charge of cleaning up afterward.)
Clyde said…
You must have a change of mind about wearing black shirts during this explossion-type feedings.

She could easily create a Jackson Pollock-style painting by using you as her canvas... if your're willing to sacrifice your body, of course. Char's mouth can cost you millions, you know!?
Alissa said…
what on earth are you feeding that kid?!
Nancy Ross said…
My eight month old daughter is going through the same phase. It takes forever for her to eat cereal and purees and then most of it comes back at me in a raspberry.
Heffalump said…
My boys are very amused...we might be able to arrange a marriage somewhere down the line, she is THAT talented.
OK. I have to ask. Where do you get that ABSOLUTELY perfect background music for all your fabulous, flakey flicks.
Anonymous said…
what the heck?
Sarah said…
I mixed/edited/cut two different songs together to make the track for this one. I got a great CD of old cartoon soundtracks from back in the day and it has some great tunes. This particular mix I made starts with the theme from the cartoon "Fractured Fairy Tales" and the second half is part of the theme from "Peter Potamus."

I'm probably a sinner to do it, but I like to check out as many cool music CDs from the library as possible and rip the fun songs to my computer. I've got a really fun collection of tunes from that.
Lisa said…
that was awesome.
I'm amazed at how much hair your cutie has. My daughter is one and working on a sweet mullet.
bdmalouf said…
favorite one yet keep it up !
Suzie Petunia said…
AWE-SOME! What were you feeding her? Raw sewage?
Anonymous said…
I already gave my "awwwww, cute" comment, so here is a little practical advice. It may or may not be what you are looking for. I figured out that Lily would only spit her food out if she wasn't truly hungry. Once I got her on a good schedule, I would put her down for a nap on a somewhat empty stomach, and then when she woke up, she would be starving, and she would wolf down the baby food. If she ever spit it out, I just quit the feeding right there and we were done since I figured she wasn't hungry. I am such a believer in letting kids get really hungry so they will eat what you give them. It only works up to a certain age though. I did the starving out method of feeding with children #3 & #4, and they are way less picky than my first two that I was continually feeding since I didn't want them to get hungry.
Anonymous said…
I'm with you, Amanda. That spitting food isn't a behavior worth reinforcing. Just stop the feeding the moment she starts spitting, and tell her NO SPITTING. She'll get the hang of it after a day or so.
Sarah said…
You are totally right, Amanda. She always starts spitting as soon as she is full and that's when I usually stop but this time I wanted to get some good footage for a video so I kept going a while after. You can see the messy results!
Anonymous said…
certainly NOT the cutest kid.
Sarah said…
Certainly NOT the nicest comment. Where do I send your prize?
Anonymous said…
Hollywood, I was pretty sure that you already knew the schedule trick because YOU are the one I give credit to for teaching me that stuff. I picked up on it when Pixie visited us in Washington with g'ma and g'pa. I was amazed at what a good eater and sleeper she was and vowed to do whatever it took to have a kid like that. I think it is all part of the Babywise/ Healthy Sleep Habits genre of baby books that you recommended.

Anyway, I do think it was cute and worth getting on video tape to blackmail her when she is a teenager. And it provided lots of laughs for my kids and me.
Amy said…
Anonymous is probably a supermodel and is ravishingly beautiful enough to comment on any one else's looks.

Anonymous is probably a major bung-hole with no friends, too.
Anonymous said…
Apparently, we all sit and eat while we're blogging (based on the amount of thing spit at the screen!).

Ok, the Fractured Fairytale soundtrack was BRILLIANT.

The Slow-Mo triggered flashbacks, and the whole thing was hillarious. You are truly gifted, Hollywood.
Flake Flicks make me laugh soooo hard. Can't wait for the little one to start solids now...
LunaMoonbeam said…
Ok, that was some classic spitting! Good job, baby girl.
Erin said…
I liked the slow-mo spit flying chunk thing. Very nice.
Anonymous said…

This video certainly makes me think twice about the four children I had in mind for the future.

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