Husband of the Year Awards

Thanks to my brother-in-law for sending me these photos and apologies to anyone who has already seen them. So the question is, which picture describes your marriage the best? I know there are days when I feel like the caged babchas behind the tractor.


Maddy said…
Ah a woman's lot in life, the help meet!

This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.
Ally said…
I guess ours is the last one, without the beer. (is that beer??? I wouldn't know!)

I love, love, LOVE reading your blog! It always picks me up and makes me laugh. Well, not always. But more than enough! :-)

Thanks for the good times! (and the bad....? those are good too.)
Nancy Sabina said…
The one where the guy is sleeping with his bike in the tent is totally my brothers. There was one summer where my brothers were both home from college and sleeping in their old bunkbeds. Except they never once slept in their bunkbeds. Their bikes slept in the beds and they slept on the floor. The whole summer.
Memarie Lane said…
LOL no way. You can reverse the roles in every photo for my marriage.
S'mee said…
I married A man from one of those black and white sitcoms from the 50's. He would rather eat glass than allow any -ANY- woman in his sight to lift anything, tote anything, push, pull, move, whatever. He will never sit until every woman has a chair, and he would rather eat glass than sleep in a bed if a woman has to sleep on the couch.

I love me some Ozzie Nelson!
Anonymous said…
Where are the entry forms? I would like to nominate my husband for this award. I love him to death, but I'm afraid he would win this hands down.
The Donkey said…
Award? Is there a statuette or gift bag involved? Yes, Wife... sign me up. I'm pretty sure I would be quite the contender; at least you could finally claim that you married a winner.
Sarah said…
I'm glad to have all you new faces around here, Magirk, Maddy, Kadusey, and the Donkey's family!

Kadusey, I'm surprised your MIL didn't make the teaching lesson BEFORE she reached the top of the stairs. I would have just sat down at the bottom and started screaming swears until they got down. That would have taught them too but it probably isn't as graceful as your MIL!

Nancy, WHY would the bikes sleep in the bed? I know how nutsy your brothers are about bikes, but putting them in their beds? Now that's just weird.

S'mee and Marie, your husbands should go on the lecture circuit so wives like me could make our husbands go and learn some sense.

I've got to say though, my life has gotten a lot easier since Spike started lifting weights at the gym. He's always happy to show off how strong he's getting. I just have to say, "Spike, do you think you're strong enough to life X" and he's hopping to help.
Burgh Baby said…
Every single one of those could be my husband and myself. In his defense, he geniunely doesn't realize it when I'm carrying the 440-pound bundle of hay and he's empty-handed. Once he realizes it (i.e. I nag him), he quickly fixes the situation.
Unknown said…
Those are not their wives. They are actually their effeminate little brothers who lost a bet.
Lisa said…
Why are men so oblivious?
Anonymous said…
So maybe it's not fair for me to answer, as I type this comment and my husband makes me dinner...
Anonymous said…
I am not married but I hope that i will marry some one that is very considerate and nice. he at least has to let me have the remote:)
Allie said…
Mine is folding the laundry, they're not all bad.
Janie said…
My husband is an angel - he absolutely refuses to let me lift a finger, especially when it comes to dinner dishes. :) :) Loved the pics though!
chelsea said…
i have a classic picture with a similar theme in our wedding album. it was february and roger is walking in front of me with the umbrella. i'm probably 10 feet behind him. he was nice and dry though.....
Anonymous said…
HAHAHAHAHAHA about the remote, and good luck with that one. I swear it is wired in males to want the remote. My boys started young in demanding the remote and usually got it unless their dad was around.
TheOneTrueSue said…
Ha! But I'm gonna go with - none of the above. Thank goodness. Yikes!
Nancy Sabina said…
I believe the bikes slept in the bed because otherwise they might get bumped as someone walked into the room or something. It was the safest place. I don't know...doesn't make sense to me either. Ask them! Boys are weird.
Amy said…
Reminds me of the time when an old guy at a wedding gave the young groom some advice: "Some days you'll come home and the house will be a mess and the kids will be crazy and dinner won't be ready. Don't get mad. Instead, put your feet up, read the newspaper, and give the wife some time to get things together."
Unknown said…
Sounds like some good old fashioned Western smackin' upside the head is needed!
Karen said…
It's hysterical! It's nice to know that women around the world are all treated the same. Do all the work, get none of the credit. I'm not sure which one we are, I guess it depends on the day.
Heather said…
I love that last picture. She's still holding his hand.
Anonymous said…
I have written up a nomination letter for my husband, The Donkey--clear choice for The Husband of the Year!
Anonymous said…
Thank God, I Didn't Marry These Guys!
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