A Picture is Worth Bumpkiss
What does this picture I took yesterday tell you? Does it tell you that I've spent over two days being puked on? Does it tell you that both my kids have crusties coming out of their noses the size of gerbils? Does it tell you they are bathing in the sink becaues my bathtub has become a watery depository for about 10 outfits of mine and the girls that have been thrown up on and are awaiting the coinop? No. All it says is the old cliche, "motherhood is easy and fun." Who am I to ruin that sentiment?
They look like they're having fun and that's what it's all about, right?
I put them down tonight and one went right to sleep, when I checked the monitor the other was no longer crying but just sitting there, I went in to get her since she wasn't giving up the ghost and I smelled vomit...got her out of the crib and felt vomit. It was disgusting.
You can go to sleep knowing once the illness has past, so too will the vomit. I on the other hand do not know the day, the hour, or the minute, but I know it is coming.
I really hope things are better now and your sweet girls are feeling well.