Who Loves Me/Cash?


Anyone who wants me to win $15,000 and share the wealth, vote for me in the Swiffer video contest. The contest will be open to YouTube users to rate the videos until Feb. 20th. Just go here and click the "Vote" tab in the box on the right. If you want to go straight to mine, search "Hollywood" in the search box under the videos. Click the thumbs up or down icon to rate videos. For you poor things who can't afford deodorant, a thumbs-up for Hollywood is a thumbs-up your future. I swear if I win $15,000 I'm giving away $500 of it on the blog. No joke. Shameless vote buying, my friends. That's why you love it here.

If you missed my video or can't remember what it looks like, here it is. But you have to go to the link I gave above to vote in the contest. Now fly my pretties, fly!


Janell said…
Swiffer lip-syncing.
Swiffer dancing.

These do not get my votes.

Do you have a search term so I can jump to your video?
Molly said…
Up it to a grand, and I'll vote.

Just kidding. I'll go vote now.
Anonymous said…
I think I'm retarded. I can't tell how to view or vote for your entry.
flip flop mama said…
You already got my vote!
The Wiz said…
Ok, I tried to vote, but your video is missing the thumbs up/thumbs down. I don't know why - you might want to mention it to somebody. I saw it on other videos, (NOT that I voted, of course) but it's missing on yours. Oh, help me vote for your beautiful video.
Kels said…
Seriously I had to stop watching other videos after I voted for yours... because I got tired of hearing "Bye Bye Love" I was truly hoping someone would use that "Potential Breakup Song" by Ali and AJ lol

You may want to tell people that can't find your video to vote for to plug "hollywood" in as the keyword once they're in the voting tab... yours is the only video that pops us for that.
I am voting for you!
Karen said…
I loved it enough to vote twice. But it wouldn't let me.
pflower10 said…
Your video is far by the best!!!! I voted and I will vote everyday!

can I vote more than once a day?
S'mee said…
hehe, if you put in Hollywoodflakes and then enter it send you to her video. then you can sit there and vote and vote and vote...: )

and for the person who commented that you weren't selling product well enough, I replied:

Till dust do you part, that sells a swiffer.
LunaMoonbeam said…
Thanks, S'mee, for clarifying - I couldn't find the video until I searched for "hollywoodflakes". Crazy, yeah?
Anonymous said…
I *loved* your video. I have cast my vote in this very important matter:)
Rachel said…
Oh believe me I voted, and told my husband he better vote too, I want to see that one on TV!
Susan said…
Ok, I looked through ALL the videos and your isn't on there. What am I doing wrong? I put in Hollywood and Hollywoodflakes several times and still no luck. I love yours and would love to vote. Help?
Calidaho said…
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Allie said…
It's not letting you see the video by just putting in hollywood anymore, what's up? I tried that and Hollywood flakes and zippo.
Allie said…
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Allie said…
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Allie said…
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Sarah said…
Hmmm.. I can't figure out where it went. Maybe I was disqualified for some reason? Vote buying perhaps? But I'd do it no other way. Oh well.

I emailed the contest people asking what's up but haven't heard back yet.

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