Just Desserts...

I hate to say it, but since 2 am today I've been dealing with a feverish, coughing, yacking baby. I guess those old ladies were right after all. Darn wisdom!! And I'm seriously considering filing a law suit against the manufacturers of those "I Voted" stickers. They don't work at all!

Don't know what I'm talking about? Read yesterday's post.


Nancy Ross said…
I just hate it when old ladies are right. They're so smug, like all their "experience" counts for "something".
Janell said…
It wasn't that the old ladies were right. It's that one of the ladies had sneezed on the sticker ten minutes before you came in. It was all part of their ultimate plan to claim that they were right.
Heather O. said…
Heck no, it's those DEMOCRATIC COOTIES that got her! Serves you right for fraternizin' with the enemy!

Hope little cher-baby gets better. Keep her away from democrats.
Karen said…
It's an evil plot to keep you from voting in the future. It's rigged, I tell you!
Colleen said…
Ooh, wouldn't they just be cackling if they knew?
Too funny. You must keep her in until the outside temp reaches back up to the 70's, You crack mom. taking your baby out in those frigid temps!
Anonymous said…
Yeah...my husband believes in the Cold Theory of illness. (Sicknesses come because of exposure to cold temperatures.) I've always thought he was wacky and believed in the Germ Theory of illness myself. (Sicknesses come because of the transmission of germs.)

Imagine my surprise recently when I read a study that said that both are a factor in illness. Germs do better in the cold.
Anonymous said…
I agree it was the old ladies that got her sick not the 65 degree temp. I want to see those old ladies brave 20 degree temps better yet 0 degree. ;)
Lolosblog said…
OK, I have been lurking around your blog for months and love it. But I just couldn't read this post without leaving a comment.

You should always listen to old ladies! They are usually right even if what they are saying is crazy. My 92 year old grandmother is always giving me advise. I didn't take it when I was raising my daughter, but now that I have a granddaughter I use it. And I use it by being one of those crazy old ladies!

I hope the little one gets better fast!
Irishmama said…
You should sue Mitt for quitting on you after you suffered through all of that!
Anonymous said…
ROFL Irishmama!

Well, if she is yacking then isn't that a good sign it's not RSV? My WHOLE family has that right now... fun fun.
CarolinaDreamz said…
Maybe its just "Sad about Mitt" flu!

We didn't have "I Voted" stickers in SC. I wonder if its because I would be announcing silently what party I belonged to.. because we didn't all vote on the same day!

I still wanted my sticker!
pflower10 said…
I'm loving the link to yesterday's post. You steal the show!!

I hope Cher didn't listen to those meddling old ladies. You just tell her that her symptoms are all just a figment of her imagination PLANTED by those old biddies. She'll perk right up!

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