My Progress Report
I was in dire need of some feedback today as to my abilities as a mother. I put together a brief questionnaire for my three year old. Here's what we got:
Do you think I'm a good mom?
Uh huh.
Because you love me.
What would you say some of my strengths are? What am I good at?
You love to clean up.
And what would you say some of my weaknesses are?
You aren't strong enough to reach higher things.
What do you think I could do better at?
Working on a plane.
Like an airplane?
What are some of your favorite memories of me as a mother?
You love to give me hugs.
Thanks for the good report, Pixie! I'm feeling a ton better about my abilities. But I'll take the flight attendant advice into consideration next time you wet your bed.
Every good answer gets a Snickers mini!
How'd I do?
Favorite memory?
DO NOT GIVE your least fave, please. I don't think I could take it! I tried, I really did!
My all time fave of you was your Mrs. Lamp phase. Ooo, dat was rich!
Gotta make sure you didn't just put them in Time Out for spitting or take away the stolen box of cookies.
Do the results still count if I give them chocolate right before I ask my questions?
I think I got a good picture of my 5-year-old's impression of me when she started praying nightly, "Bless mom that her work won't be so hard for her." Do I really complain so much?